SMART Goals, how to keep on track

23 Apr 2011
Consult your goals!
Many people say "OK this year is my year" or "Last year was bad, this year is going to be different"
After saying this people can soon find themselves on the same path of repeating the behaviours and events that lead them to be less resourceful in previous years. We know that the year will have passed us by and we will be saying "wow that was fast". So it's important that we look towards completing our goals and put those things holding us back, behind us.
So now, is a great time to assess those goals you set in January, remake the ones you have achieved already and set new ones for the remainder of the year.
If you want some help then join the Secret of Creating your Future® weekend in Melbourne, Brisbane or Sydney. If you would like to know more click here.
Re-looking at your goals
It is important that you focus on the last step and the action plan to make your goals a reality! It will keep you focusing on creating what you want.
Create a SMART goal
If you have attended a training you will now know all about this, if not here is a bit on SMART goals.
  • Chose an area of your life you want to write a goal for.
  • Your goal should be 2 short sentences. It is now DATE and I am....or I have...
  • Write the goal and make sure it is SMART
  • Set the goal
  • Put the goal somewhere you can see it each day
  • Goal: "An aim or an end in mind."
  • Aim relates to direction
  • End relates to outcome
S Specific, Simple
M Measurable, Meaningful to you
A As if now, Achievable, All areas of your life
R Realistic, Responsible / Ecological
T Timed, Toward What You Want.

Set Goals

Now that you have your goals set, work backwards from 1 year to 9 months, 5 months, 3 months and 1 month. Now look at where you are up to and what action you need to take this week to get the result you want.

Assess Your Action

If you have already set your goals for earlier in the year then now is the time to revisit the action you have taken or not taken! What can you do each week/day to move forward towards the end result?
Break it down into smaller sub goals or action steps to be taken for that day or week. It could be, "ok tonight I am going to go shopping and buy the right food for my food plan for the week". Or "ok today I am going to go for that run or walk". Or if you are in business, "today I am going to enter 10 invoices or call 10 customers". You must take action!

Keep At It!

We all know that we will come across obstacles in life and as we say at our trainings "obstacles are our friends". So if you do come across an obstacle take note of it, deal with it and keep moving forward. Remember to say "thank you obstacle for reminding me that I'm on track"

Plan the Next Goal Evaluation

Set a date in your diary for 3 months time to look at your goals and your action plan in order to take note of what you have achieved and what you need to work on for the next three months.
The best way of getting all of this sorted is to join us for the Secret of Creating your Future® weekend with Brad Greentree.
To find out the next dates shoot us an email or Book your Goal Setting weekend here 
To book for the early bird price of $97 by booking your Goal setting weekend here.
*Limited seats of the $97 price, regular price are $595. Book 2 seats and get the 3rd Free!
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