5 reasons why anxiety is a good thing for business and how you need to embrace it

22 Sep 2021
The estimated economic effects of mental ill-health are up to $51 billion a year, globally. SMEs are particularly susceptible due to their small teams and resource constraints. In this article you will learn to look at Anxiety from a different angel so you can do to more rapidly current mental health situations, such as anxiety and stress, in your staff and what you can do to help them so that your business doesn't have to suffer.
It's clear that the $18M per year spent on mental health in Australia is not touching the sides and with more and more things to be fearful of its only going to get worse. However, with some simple changes in your language and thinking and with the basics of understanding what anxiety is, you can be part of the Make Anxiety History movement.

5 reasons why anxiety is a good thing for business and how you need to embrace it

1. Anxiety is fear of the future
2. Anxiety is just a warning sign to focus on what you want
3. Using anxiety to manage risk in a positive way
4. Why daily goal setting is the #1 anxiety crushing technique
5. Training your brain and thoughts to make anxiety history 15min at a time

1. Anxiety is fear of the future, the future has not happened yet! Understand that you have little control on the future however 100% control on your thoughts.

Now you will learn how to look at anxiety from a very different point of view. You will discover that anxiety event is not real and how to think about anxiety.
Anxiety is fear of the future, and the future has not happened yet. I mean, yet. I mean, yet. That's a bad joke. You are probably aware that you have little control of the future. You have some control of future, but you have little control over the future. You do, however, have 100% control of your thinking.
If you've got anxiety coming up in an event in the future, that hasn't happened yet, that's a warning sign. There's something not right. It's also a chance for you to correct it. By not embracing this or getting caught up in the whole spiral negative side of things, you're actually missing out on that warning sign. You're missing on the chance to correct your path sooner than later.
When you have an anxiety, or a team member has anxiety, then be aware, it's just that. It's an event in the future that hasn't happened yet that you're thinking about, in a negative way. It's not real, and it's time to correct it.

2. Anxiety is just a warning sign to focus on what you want. Understanding that your thoughts and behaviours have a positive intent.

In this chapter you will learn how to reframe your anxiety and how fear in the past has an impact on your future and understand that anxiety is not evil of bad.
Anxiety is just a warning sign to focus on what you want. The understanding that your thoughts and behaviours have a positive intent realises that the feeling of anxiety is not evil or bad. It's based on fear and fear from the past. If you've had a lot of events in the past that have gone poorly and you've got a fair bit of fear on it, then it's likely that you're going to have anxiety in the future.
However, it's really just a warning sign from your intuition, your unconscious mind, to focus on what you want. There are events coming up and if you'd don't pay attention to it, you're going to be at the effect of this, and that's going to be disempowering and not allow you to be in charge. So, it's just that, a warning sign to focus on what you want.

3. Using anxiety to manage risk in a positive way. Bridge analogy

Here we will look at anxiety as a means to be better at what we do and to counter the negative with what there is to learn from the feeling of anxiety.
As mentioned in the last two points, anxiety is a good thing for business, and you really need to embrace it. So, using anxiety to manage risk in a positive way is also very good.
Let's say, for example, you are a structural engineer and you're building a bridge. If you laid awake all night worrying about that bridge falling down, you probably wouldn't be doing a good job as an engineer. If you just use positive thoughts and just imagine the bridge is going to stay up, through some magical sky hooks, that's not going to help either. You see, you're thinking about what can go wrong with that bridge falling down to make sure that when you're engineering it, you're building it to stay up. So, a structural engineer, building a building or building a bridge, they don't focus on it falling down. They think about it falling down, but what they focus on keeping it up. So, their end result is they're focusing on that item, that bridge, that building, staying strong and staying up.
So, what do you think about or focus on in your business?

4. Why daily goal setting is the #1 anxiety crushing technique and using goal setting with your team daily will embrace anxiety for its positive intent.

Understand how to fill your mind with lots of positive thinking to create the events in a way that you want them to happen.
First, one of the great things about anxiety, as we mentioned before is being able to talk about you being corrected in your path. Being able to make sure that you're on track. We know, some people are motivated by the away from, or towards that being the stick or the carrot. As a matter of fact, when you have that in place, the best thing to deal with it, is daily goal setting. Having a goal for that day, the team having a goal for that day and actually sitting and having goals in the future and daily goals creates a space where your unconscious mind, your internal representation, your intuition to be full of all positive things for you to focus on. You drown out any options for any of the negative things to come in. Assuming you've put in place those other three steps before this, this is a really good way to make sure you use anxiety to kick the goals home.

5. Training your brain and thoughts to make anxiety history 15min at a time!

Let's learn how you can always have a technique that can help you dial down the anxiety feeling in 3min or less.
Training your brain and thoughts to make anxiety history 15 minutes at a time. What does all this mean? Well, here's the thing. If you've got an event coming up and you think about it right now and you're experiencing anxiety, then you're imagining it going poorly. So if you imagine yourself 15 minutes in the future after that event, and you imagine yourself turning back towards now and visualise yourself doing a great job and everything going well, and you do that 100% so you're focusing on it going well, it is impossible to feel anxiety.
Get very specific about what is the event you're anxious about, the date and the time, and imagine yourself in the future 15 minutes after that event, turn and look back towards now, and imagine it going well. If you're still feeling anxiety, then I suggest that you imagine it going well. If you do that, it's impossible to feel anxiety.
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